Sunday, 2 February 2014

The Little Things

Properly trained a maid can and does take care of the lady of the house's clothing, stockings, lingerie and shoes.

While many women these days have opted for a rather frumpy, sportswear driven, look I happen to love quite complicated clothes, foundations and accessories. My maid spends at least an hour a day keeping these in order.

As well, there is always a bit of ironing and handwashing to be taken care of. The secret is to get your maid into a routine. Mine works a split day. My tea and day dressing as well as a light breakfast from 7:30 until 9:00 and then cleaning and tidying until 11:00. Then I decide if she is to serve lunch or simply attend me to change for cocktails and serve dinner. Occasionally she will do both but I prefer her to have her mid day and afternoons free. Cocktails and dinner service run from 4:30 until about 9:00.

It is a busy life but rewarding for the right girl...

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